One for the Whole Family
Family Tools makes schedules easy for everyone--kids and adults, Android and Apple users, even the methodical and the spontaneous. See for yourself what this calendar can do for you.
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Simple for Kids, Useful for Parents
Family Tools' calendar is designed to be easy to use, especially for kids. Anyone can also simplify the view with a filter, helping kids focus on their own events and parents see one child's schedule at a time.
Easily Export Your Events
Already use Apple or Google Calendar, but want a family calendar that includes your kids? No problem--Family Tools can connect to your current calendar so you can stay connected.
Ahead of Schedule
Family Tools can remind you of an event minutes, hours, days, or even weeks before it happens, giving you plenty of time to prepare. On the flip-side, events will show up on every family member's calendar as soon as they're added, minimizing the miscommunication of last-second plans.
A Harmonious Calendar Experience
Unify your family by unifying your schedule. No matter the device or the age, everyone sees every event in the same straightforward view.
Easily See the Whole Family's Schedule
No one has time to sift through a complex calendar. Instead, use one with multiple views, yet consistent appearance.
View Just What You Need
- The calendar can display a month view, a week view, or even a single day. More specific displays also map out the time, creating a useful visual of your schedule.
Specific Sorting
- Events can be assigned to one person, multiple people, or the whole family, helping you sort out varied schedules. You can also filter by person to quickly see someone's particular plans.
No More Conflicts
- The calendar's consistency across devices and real-time updates really make it shine. Even if your family uses all kinds of smartphones and computers, you’ll all see the same calendar with everyone’s events. And, of course, you can import Family Tools events to Google and Apple calendars to make unity even easier.
Integrated Organization
The tools in the app are designed to work together. Calendar gets even better when used with the dashboard, Plans, and notifications.
Quickly Look Ahead
- Calendar events can be put right on the dashboard, allowing you to see events immediately after opening the app. Check on today, tomorrow, or even the next couple weeks' worth of events. Using Plans, you can also schedule lists for packing or shopping, add tasks to help prepare for events, and see it all in a glance on the Plans page.
Right On Time
- Family Tools can remind you of an event minutes, hours, days, or even weeks before it happens, giving you plenty of time to prepare. You can also get notifications anytime someone adds you to an event, which can further prevent last-minute conflicts.

Ready to get your family organized?
By helping you organize the way you need, Family Tools will build love and unity in your family life. Reduce contention, mitigate stress, and increase peace by getting everyone on the same page. It's also free for you and your whole family--get started now!
Get Organized!