Comparing Products

Family Tools Compared to Family Wall

FamilyWall is a popular app with a similar purpose as Family Tools—helping families get organized and communicate better in a digital space private to each family. If you wonder how Family Tools compares to FamilyWall, look no further. We’ve compiled a list of features from each app so you can see side-by-side how we each tackle the challenge of family organization. For those who want to skim the table, we use bold phrases to indicate something unique to one of the apps, or something done better in one than the other. We'll do our best to be unbiased; honestly, FamilyWall is a great app in a lot of ways. Still, do keep in mind that we created Family Tools; if we didn't think previous formulas needed improvement, we wouldn't have made our own.






Account Options

Unique to Family Tools

Unique to Family Wall



Both apps are great tools for getting your family more organized. Overall, Family Tools is better if you want flexible account options, a lot of notifications, and access to all aspects of organization right from the dashboard. On the other hand, FamilyWall is better if you want a highly-customizable calendar, predictive shopping lists, and a bunch of unique nice-to-haves, like messaging and a picture gallery.

Tasks in FamilyWall can be moved where you want them, and notifications for them are free. The calendar has a lot of options, from how many days you view at a time, to whether scheduled list items appear, to what color each set of events should be. Events are also searchable and can sync with your device’s calendar. Timetables are great for organizing regular schedules for each family member. Shopping lists suggest items and categories as you type. The Recipe Book is free, and each recipe can include a picture and a variety of details. Finally, it has some extras, like posting in a social-media-styled page and uploading pictures.

Family Tools has many options for task notifications, and repeating tasks are free. The calendar is simplified and therefore more kid-friendly. Each list has its own categories, which are easy to add and remove, and items can be added very quickly. Family members can make wish lists and share them directly, allowing others to interact with them. Plans connects tasks, events, lists, and notes for consolidated organization. In the Meal Planner, the ingredient exporter is designed to be both flexible and streamlined. Meal plans can be generated automatically and also accessed from the dashboard. The dashboard gives similarly easy access to relevant tasks, lists, events, and recipes. The app’s account options are very flexible, always maintain security between accounts, and can be given custom permission settings. Family members are rewarded for everything they do, can personalize the app’s appearance, and get a sense of accomplishment for leveling up. Finally, Family Tools may not have messaging or pictures, but the reduced data management keeps its Premium price significantly lower than FamilyWall.

We think both apps have a lot of merit and utility. We hope this comparison helps you choose the app that’s best for your family.

Mom cooking with Kids

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By helping you organize the way you need, Family Tools will build love and unity in your family life. Reduce contention, mitigate stress, and increase peace by getting everyone on the same page. It's also free for you and your whole family--get started now!

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