Family Tools Compared to Family Wall
FamilyWall is a popular app with a similar purpose as Family Tools—helping families get organized and communicate better in a digital space private to each family. If you wonder how Family Tools compares to FamilyWall, look no further. We’ve compiled a list of features from each app so you can see side-by-side how we each tackle the challenge of family organization. For those who want to skim the table, we use bold phrases to indicate something unique to one of the apps, or something done better in one than the other. We'll do our best to be unbiased; honestly, FamilyWall is a great app in a lot of ways. Still, do keep in mind that we created Family Tools; if we didn't think previous formulas needed improvement, we wouldn't have made our own.
Feature by
What |
Family Tools |
Family Wall | |
Tasks | |||
Task Lists | Tasks are divided into three sections--chores, homework, and to-do’s. The homework and to-do’s sections are Premium only. | Lists can be To-do lists, Shopping lists, or Other lists. A user can create as many as they want. | |
Repeating Tasks | Tasks can be one-time or repeating on the free version. | Tasks are one-time on the free version. They can repeat on the Premium version. | |
Task Sorting | Tasks are sorted automatically by due date and assignment, and homework tasks can also be sorted by subject. | Tasks can be sorted automatically alphabetically, by category, by due date, or by when the item was updated. They can also be dragged and dropped for manual sorting. | |
Filtering | Tasks can be filtered according to assignment to help a user find their own tasks. | Tasks can be filtered according to assignment to help a user find their own tasks. | |
Category Sharing | Only homework tasks use categories. (In Lists, sections created, edited, or deleted will only apply to that one list.) | All To-do lists will share the same categories; if you add or delete one in one list, the same will happen in another list. Shopping lists also share categories. Each Other list has its own categories. | |
What Happens to Completed Tasks | Checked tasks drop to the bottom of the due date section. Repeating tasks are scheduled automatically the day after they’re checked off. If the task is not repeating, it is deleted instead. | Checked tasks drop to the bottom of the category, or the bottom of the list if categories are hidden. Tasks must be deleted manually; checked things can be deleted all at once. | |
Reports | Family Tools has a page that tracks what repeating tasks each family member has completed in the past month. It also shows whether the task was done on time or late | Tasks stay checked off, but there is no formal report page. | |
Notifications | On the free version, users can be informed when they’ve been assigned something, and parent can be notified when children have completed the day’s tasks. On the Premium version, users can also set up to 10 reminders for the task itself, ranging from that day up to 2 weeks beforehand. | On the free version, a single reminder can be set for a particular task, ranging from the time you assign it up to 30 days beforehand. | |
Calendar | |||
View Options | Views include single day, week, and month. | Views include “Agenda”, single day, 3-day, week, and month. | |
Agenda View | The dashboard calendar widget is somewhat similar to Family Wall’s Agenda view | Agenda view shows days in a list format (including empty ones) below the month. Events with pictures will show them. When you scroll down, the top changes to a week view to make more room. | |
Event Details | Event details include assigned family members, start & end time, repeat, and location. | Event details include assigned family members, start & end time, repeat, location (shows on map if possible), picture, and note. Only name and times are shown without clicking it | |
List Items and Holidays | Tasks are not shown on calendar. No default holidays are included. | The calendar can show list items with dates and some default holidays. | |
Event Filtering | Events are differentiated by who they’re assigned to, using different colors which can be changed manually. Events can be filtered by person. | Events are colored by who they’re assigned to and what calendar they’re on. They can also be changed manually. Events and tasks can be filtered by person (this hides holidays). | |
Search | There is no search function. | A user can search through events (and dated list items). | |
Exporting the Calendar | Events can be exported (read-only) to Google and Apple calendars. | The calendar can sync with your device’s calendar, and export a read-only calendar URL to Google, Apple, and Outlook. On the Premium version, it can import Google, Apple, and Outlook events. | |
Notifications | On the free version, 1 reminder notification can be set for each event, ranging from the time it starts up to 2 weeks beforehand. On the Premium version, up to 10 notifications can be set for each event. There is no “daily briefing.” | On the free version, up to 3 reminders can be set per event, from the time it starts up to 30 days beforehand. There’s also a notification option for a “daily briefing,” which gives you a preview of the day’s schedule. | |
Lists | |||
Assigning to Family Members | Lists can be assigned to one or more family members. | Lists can be assigned to one or more family members. | |
Suggestions | There are no suggestions or preset sections. | A Shopping list will suggest items as you type, which are already categorized in their preset categories. | |
Assigning Sections/Categories | Because a section can be set while adding, many items can be added to a section quickly. | If it’s not among their suggestions, an item must be given a category one at a time, or dragged to a category’s heading if visible. | |
Sorting List Items | Items are sorted automatically by section, then alphabetically. They can also be dragged and dropped for manual sorting. | Items can be sorted automatically alphabetically, by category, by due date, or by when the item was updated. They can also be dragged and dropped for manual sorting. | |
Checked Items | Checked items are hidden by default, but can be shown. They’ll be sorted along with unchecked items. Checked items must be deleted manually (but can be done all at once). | Checked items drop to the bottom of the category, or the bottom of the list if categories are hidden. Checked items must be deleted manually (but can be done all at once). | |
Sorting Lists Themselves | Lists are sorted by type, then alphabetically. Lists can be filtered by assignment. | Lists are sorted according to most recently updated to least. The default shopping and to-do are stuck at the top. Lists can’t be filtered. | |
Wish Lists | Wish Lists (designed for birthdays, registries, etc.) are unique to Family Tools. | There are no wish lists. | |
Sharing Lists | Wish Lists can be shared directly via URL, meaning that those with the link can interact with the actual list and see updates to it in real time. | The textual contents of lists can be shared (such as by text or email). This means no interaction with the actual list on the app. | |
Meals | |||
Premium or Free | The Recipe Book and Meal Planner are Premium only. | The Recipe Book is free. The Meal Planner" is Premium only. | |
Importing Recipes | Recipes can be imported manually or by URL. Manual ingredients can be pasted all at once. URL-imported recipes let you edit the contents | Recipes can be imported manually or by URL. Manual ingredients must be one at a time. URL-imported recipes let you edit the contents. | |
Recipe Details | Recipes are formatted simply; they include tags, ingredients, directions, notes, and an icon. | Recipes have many fields to fill. A picture can be uploaded. | |
Recipe Search | The user can search through titles and tags. | The user can search through recipe names and ingredients, or select a category at the top. If no recipes match the search, the user can create a recipe with that name. | |
Ingredient Export | Ingredients can be exported to a shopping list from the meal plan, based on dates chosen by the user. Ingredients can be edited before export and repeats will be consolidated. There are also options to always include frequently-bought groceries (like bread), or exclude well-stocked ingredients (like salt). | On the Premium version, ingredients can be exported to a shopping list from the meal plan, based on dates chosen by the user. Ingredients can’t be edited, repeats won’t be consolidated, and there are no options for always inckuding or excluding certain items. | |
Automatic Meal Plan Generation | The Meal Planner includes a generator that can use your recipes to automatically generate a meal calendar for multiple days, up to a month. Custom preferences can be set for planning breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. | Meal plans can’t be generated automatically. | |
Dashboard | |||
Overview | The dashboard includes the user’s icon, the user’s progress toward a goal, and widgets chosen by the user. These widgets can include upcoming events, tasks (3 separate options), starred lists, upcoming meals, a recipe search, starred notes, starred plans, and a list of family members. (The app always has a navigation bar.) | The dashboard includes a settings button, the user’s icon, a moving panel, a My Family section, and links chosen by the user (no navigation bar). These links can include Lists, Calendar, Recipes, Messages, Gallery, Contacts, and Activity. On Premium, it can include Meals, Timetable, and Map. | |
Upcoming Events | Upcoming events can be set to show today, tomorrow, or up to a month’s worth of events. | Calendar states how many events are planned for the day or week. | |
Tasks and Lists | The dashboard can show tasks in a wide variety of ways, by having a widget for each type and allowing widgets to be filtered by person and date. It can also link to starred lists. | Lists states how many lists there are. | |
Meals | The dashboard can show meals scheduled for today, tomorrow, or the week. There is also a recipe search widget. | Meals states how many meals are planned that day or week. | |
Customization | Widgets can be rearranged, hidden, and shown at will. | Sections of the dashboard can be rearranged, hidden, and shown at will. | |
Account Options | |||
Overview | Each family member can have their own profile (with their own email address and password) to keep track of everything individually. If one or two parents want to manage everything themselves, they can use linked profiles, which only need a name, for all other family members. | Each family member can have their own account, all of which must have a username and password. If one or two parents want to manage everything themselves, they still need to make usernames and passwords for all other family members. | |
Upgrading Linked Profiles | A profile set up without an email address can be upgraded to a standard profile at any time. | Accounts that use a username (not an email address) can’t be upgraded to use an email address. | |
Multiple Accounts Using Same Device | Multiple accounts can be used on the same device, and a pin system can be set up so that family members don’t have to put in their full password every time they log in. | Accounts that use a username (not an email address) can’t be upgraded to use an email address. | |
Parents/Administrators | Parents can typically see, edit, and delete everything. Child accounts can typically edit and delete only what they create. On the Premium version, permissions are completely customizable. | Administrators can see, edit, and delete everything except lists made private by other users. Non-administrators can edit and delete what they create. | |
Security from Kids | Separate profiles with passwords and limited privileges for child profiles preserve account and data security. | Separate accounts with passwords and limited privileges for non-administrator accounts preserve account and data security. | |
Unique to Family Tools | |||
Notes | This is a place for creating and keeping anything text-based that would help your family stay organized. For example, you can copy in a trip itinerary, links to recipes you want to try sometime, or what you need to pay each child for an allowance. | Text-only posts in Activity are called notes, but they aren’t gathered in one place. | |
Rewards & Customization | Family Tools’ reward system allows parents to reward family members in a way tailored to their family, which helps motivate kids to contribute to family organization. The stars they earn can be traded for fun customization options that can change how a user is represented, the color scheme of the app, or the design of the background. Parents can also make custom rewards, such as a movie night, for family members to earn. Each member has separate star totals and settings, and can mix and match icons, colors, and backgrounds, all of which makes the app their own. | Family Wall has no rewards system. As far as customization, lists and events can be given colors, and each user has a color. | |
Plans | On the Premium version, this tool brings tasks, lists, events, and notes into one cohesive page to plan big projects and events. It helps break down complicated things like vacations and school projects into simple pieces. | Family Wall has nothing similar to Plans. | |
Unique to Family Wall | |||
Social Functions | Text can be recorded in Notes and shared with all family members. | Family members can post text, pictures, and location check-ins, much like a social media feed. They can also send messages to each other. | |
Time Table | Repeating events are added the same way as regular events. There is no way to put them in sets or hide them. | On the Premium version, this is a place to organize events into a schedule that will repeat on a weekly (or multi-week) basis. Each timetable can be shown or hidden on the regular calendar. | |
Map and Location Tracking | Family Tools does not track locations in order to preserve privacy and affordability. | Family members can set important locations on a shared map, such as the home, school, or hospital. On the Premium version, family members can see where each other’s devices are (as long as they’re signed into the app). | |
Gallery | Family Tools does not save images in order to save memory on your device and decrease cost. | Pictures posted in Activity are gathered here, sorted by who posted them. They can also be uploaded here directly. The family has 100 MB to share on the free version, 25 GB on the Premium version. | |
Contact Book | Contact information can be written down in Notes, and birthdays can be added to the calendar as yearly events. | This is a shared list of contacts with information such as phone numbers, addresses, and birthdays. Birthdays will appear on the family calendar. | |
Price | |||
Price | $2.50/month or $25/year (per family) 14-day trial, no credit card required |
$4.99/month or $44.99/year (per family) 30-day trial, credit card required to start; after using the trial, it will automatically charge the yearly price. |
Account Options
Unique to Family Tools
Unique to Family Wall
Both apps are great tools for getting your family more organized. Overall, Family Tools is better if you want flexible account options, a lot of notifications, and access to all aspects of organization right from the dashboard. On the other hand, FamilyWall is better if you want a highly-customizable calendar, predictive shopping lists, and a bunch of unique nice-to-haves, like messaging and a picture gallery.
Tasks in FamilyWall can be moved where you want them, and notifications for them are free. The calendar has a lot of options, from how many days you view at a time, to whether scheduled list items appear, to what color each set of events should be. Events are also searchable and can sync with your device’s calendar. Timetables are great for organizing regular schedules for each family member. Shopping lists suggest items and categories as you type. The Recipe Book is free, and each recipe can include a picture and a variety of details. Finally, it has some extras, like posting in a social-media-styled page and uploading pictures.
Family Tools has many options for task notifications, and repeating tasks are free. The calendar is simplified and therefore more kid-friendly. Each list has its own categories, which are easy to add and remove, and items can be added very quickly. Family members can make wish lists and share them directly, allowing others to interact with them. Plans connects tasks, events, lists, and notes for consolidated organization. In the Meal Planner, the ingredient exporter is designed to be both flexible and streamlined. Meal plans can be generated automatically and also accessed from the dashboard. The dashboard gives similarly easy access to relevant tasks, lists, events, and recipes. The app’s account options are very flexible, always maintain security between accounts, and can be given custom permission settings. Family members can be rewarded for everything they do, personalize the app’s appearance, and get a sense of accomplishment for earning stars. Finally, Family Tools may not have messaging or pictures, but the reduced data management keeps its Premium price significantly lower than FamilyWall.
We think both apps have a lot of merit and utility. We hope this comparison helps you choose the app that’s best for your family.

Ready to get your family organized?
By helping you organize the way you need, Family Tools will build love and unity in your family life. Reduce contention, mitigate stress, and increase peace by getting everyone on the same page. It's also free for you and your whole family--get started now!
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