Comparing Products

Family Tools Compared to Cozi

As you know, Family Tools is far from being the only family organizer app out there. In fact, it's relatively new compared to some of the others. You might wonder what makes it similar to and different from other apps, especially the ones that have really established their place in the app stores. Here, we'll compare the features of Family Tools and Cozi, a popular app that seems to have a similar purpose. For those who want to skim the table, we use bold phrases to indicate something unique to one of the apps, or something done better in one than the other. We'll do our best to be unbiased, but do keep in mind that we created Family Tools; if we didn't think previous formulas needed improvement, we wouldn't have made our own.

Also note that while Family Tools is largely the same on the web and in the app, Cozi's web and app versions are significantly different from each other. This table will compare Family Tools and Cozi's mobile apps, then group comments about the web versions into a single section.





Dashboard/Home Page

Account Options

Unique to Family Tools

Unique to Cozi


Web Version



Both apps are useful in different ways. Based on our comparisons, Family Tools is better when you want every family member to participate in family organization, and/or if you’re interested in a wide variety of tools to get more organized. On the other hand, Cozi works better if you want to keep track of everything yourself, and/or if you’re primarily looking for a robust digital family calendar.

Cozi’s To Do lists are very customizable because you can set headers and move tasks where you want them. (This does come at the cost of the ability to sort automatically.) The calendar does well connecting to other digital calendars and includes searchability and multiple view options. The recipe book is free, and allows picture upload. Account security between members isn’t an issue when you’re the only one that adds and edits things, and the dedicated birthday tracker is a little bonus as well.

Family Tools sorts tasks the same way for every family member and includes notifications to help every family member stay informed. The calendar has more viewing options, and its simplified style makes it much more kid-friendly. Lists are intended for many purposes, including wish lists, and all of them can be sorted both manually and automatically. The recipe book includes a dedicated meal planner with many features that make meal planning easier, especially the automatic meal plan generator. The dashboard is much more customizable and relevant to the user. The app’s profile options are flexible to how much you want other family members to be involved, and always maintain security between profiles. Family Tools’ reward system with a greater diversity of customization options is designed to help motivate family members to add their own tasks, events, and lists. The web version is consistent with the app version, which helps both parents and children get familiar with it quickly. Finally, Family Tools has no ads, and its Premium version is lower-priced than Cozi’s.

We think Family Tools is great for a lot of reasons. Cozi has its merits as well. We hope this comparison helps you choose the app that’s best for your family.

Mom cooking with Kids

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By helping you organize the way you need, Family Tools will build love and unity in your family life. Reduce contention, mitigate stress, and increase peace by getting everyone on the same page. It's also free for you and your whole family--get started now!

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