Educational App Store Review
Lisa - February 15, 2023
Our app was recently reviewed by the Educational App Store, a website based in the UK that seeks out, reviews, and recommends educational apps and websites. Each of their reviews is written “by professionally experienced teachers, to help parents and educators progress a younger child’s education.” You can find the full review here, but I also wanted to summarize their words for an article on our own website. So here is the condensed version.
Our goal to help families be unified came through pretty clearly; the reviewers said “Family Tools aims to make family life less stressful by giving you the means to avoid the consequences of poor organisation and communication.” They also comment (later on) that the better organization provided by Family Tools can help parents and children avoid hard feelings and exasperation.
The reviewers remarked that some apps make organization harder rather than easier, but happily reported that Family Tools is not like that. They considered it straightforward to use, and thought it makes organizing easier for everyone. For example, the reviewers appreciated that the web and mobile versions are nearly identical, which streamlines the process of learning the app. Navigating around the app was also easy for them.
The reviewers were most impressed by the app’s ability to appeal to kids and help even young family members become better organizers. The app divides tasks into chores, homework, and todo’s, which helps “avoid kids claiming they did not see a task among a long list of them.” They also mention the notification that can let parents know a child has finished all their chores or homework, and point out that when parents verify that claim, kids learn to back it up with real effort. The teachers consider the game-like reward system great for encouraging kids to work, and think it’s possible that kids will even learn self-organization from the app.
Their last comments included a note that statistics are nice for seeing what parts of the app your family is actually using, a request that recipes have a feature to keep the device screen on while you use them (which is coming with the 3.0 update), and an appreciation for our commitment to having no ads in either version of the app. The reviewers recommend Family Tools with five stars and encourage their readers to try it for themselves.